Imagine this: You’re on your couch drinking hot cocoa during a chilly North Shore day. As you sink your toes into the plush, soft carpeting beneath, you notice mysterious crumbs and maybe a faint coffee stain. When should carpet cleaning in north shore be handled by the cavalry? visit us?
Spring is a welcome relief from the winter doldrums. It’s like a brand new carpet. After months of muddy footwear and stray pine needles left over from the holiday season, it’s now time to do a thorough cleaning. Spring cleaning has become a sort of tradition. Opening windows is possible in the pleasant weather, which allows fresh air to blow out any residual chemical odors or dampness. Mother Nature’s carpet hair dryer, the fresh breeze will help to dry your carpet quickly.
Some swear by it. Imagine the vibrant leaves and crisp, refreshing air. The weather is perfect for sweaters. It’s a good idea to clean your indoor spaces before the winter months. Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy those cold evenings with your family on a newly cleaned carpet? As there are less pollen grains, the chances of developing allergies during the cleaning process is greatly reduced. It’s also easier to dry the house because there is less moisture in air.
Sunlight is at its highest, heat permeates the air, and humidity can be a hindrance to carpets drying. Kids are more likely to be outside during the summer, which means fewer feet will walk on newly cleaned fibers. Does this make the summer season carpet cleaning’s dark horse? Perhaps.
Winter, the season of doom and gloom, is not as dreary as it seems. There are fewer events, fewer schedules, and the time seems to slow down. You may have more time to do things. The fireplace is roaring with fresh carpets, which sets the scene for winter hibernation. You should be aware that drying times can take a long time, so you need to make sure the air in your home is circulated well.
Ultra Brite Carpet & Tile Cleaning North Shore
79-83 Longueville Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066
(02) 8015 5143